The Neighborhood Booing is an event where neighbors secretly drop off a small ($5 or less) treat bag on another neighbor’s front porch. Next ring the bell and run like mad! Here’s how it works:
1. Place the “I’ve Been Boo’ed” sign on your front door or window (or else you could be “boo’ed again)
2. Make 2 copies of the poem/instruction sheet and the “I’ve been boo’ed” signs.
3. Assemble 2 treat bags for neighbors you’d like to “boo.” (Be sure not to boo anyone with the “I’ve been boo’ed” sign on their front door or window.)
4. Place the copied signs/instructions inside the treat bags.
5. Go ring a neighbor’s bell and leave the treat. Have fun being sneaky!
If you are leaving chocolate, be sure to do it during cooler times or out of direct sunlight so it doesn’t melt. People in the past have given “fall” items such as pumpkin hand soap, candies, a autumnal dish towel, small votive candle, etc. Think of your neighbor and make it unique to them. This event is great for new families. If you don’t know them, it’s a great time to make them feel welcomed in our neighborhood.