Neighborhood Halloween Parade

Neighborhood Halloween Parade

Are you and your little goblins anxious for Halloween and all its howling fun? Many children are so excited to don their costumes and can’t hardly wait for the Trick-or-Treating festivities to begin. If that’s your family, the Social Committee has a fun event planned to kick off the fun a bit earlier. On Saturday, October 31st at 4PM the Social Committee is hosting a Neighborhood Halloween Parade. We will meet in the pool parking lot and walk together around a short parade route (Left onto Fontanelle, Left onto Heywatchis, Left onto Golden Valley, and Left back onto Fontanelle to the pool parking lot). We will have Costume Judging and Guess the Candy Corn. We would love children of ALL ages to come! Winners of each category will receive gift cards to Target. We will have the following Costume Judging Categories:

For Kids:
Most Adorable
Most Original/Creative

For Adults:
Most Original/Creative

So come on out; start the Halloween fun with friends and neighbors!
We hope to see you there!