Looking for summer cash for vacations or to make room in your closet? Here’s a way to declutter and make some pocket cash. We are having our annual Neighborhood Yard Sale coming up in a few weeks. We will do the advertising in the Mooresville Tribune (running April 20th and 23rd), Craigslist and other local yard sale sites. We will post signs with directions on Hwy 3, Williford, and Main Street by Isy Bell’s to guide people to our Yard Sale.
Here are some simple tips to help have a successful yard sale:
- If you live in a cul-de-sac, consider joining a friend who lives closer to the main entrance to the neighborhood; we receive more traffic on the “main” roads in our neighborhood.
- Join a neighbor if you don’t have that much stuff to get rid of. Avid yard salers look for garages/yards that are more full and are more likely to stop if there are many items.
- Place large items in the front to draw interest. Consider having a “free” box which will entice people to stop by and check it out.
- Have plenty of change (dollars and quarters) available to make change for your sales. Have a secure place to keep your money.
- Display like items together (Kitchen, kids toys, tools, etc). It makes it easy to for people who are looking for specific items.
- Put small items/sets in cheap Ziploc bags. It will keep it organized and easier to sell.
- Put away your pets. Some people are allergic or fearful of animals.
- Price ALL your items. Either group them in bins marked with a price or individually. People tend to walk away if they don’t know the price.
- Be prepared to negotiate.
- Consider playing music in the background. This breaks up the “awkward” silence if a single yard saler comes by to look.
- Hang balloons on your mailbox to indicate you are participating (or a large sign)
- Post on your own Facebook page or social media site promoting the Yard Sale. Consider posting some pics of items you are selling.
- Consider donating your items that did not sell. Remember, do not donate anything that is broken, missing pieces or torn.