Crime Prevention

More than 50 residents attended National Night Out festivities on Tues., Aug. 5 at the park and pool area, where police and fire officials talked about safety and introduced McGruff the Crime Dog.

Lake Norman Taekwondo kicked off the event at 7 p.m. with a demonstration that included roughly 10 to 12 students. Retail giant Target donated a large sheet cake for the event.

Backed by the Social Committee, Bernice Scott coordinated the entire annual event, which included face-painting, free ice cream, bottled water and popcorn.

Bernice also serves as a Community Watch member and works closely with team leader Jay Lewis on all events and meetings for the group. Bernice contributed a significant part of her free time over the past month to make this event possible as Jay recovers from surgery he underwent in July.

With less than a month to prepare, Social Committee members jumped on board and worked quickly to line up food and activities for the annual event.

A pre-dusk flashlight walk concluded the evening’s events. McGruff the Crime Dog, Bonnie Lewis and Bernice Scott led the parade, followed by residents and the Mooresville fire truck.

The Social Committee will continue to work closely with the Community Watch Team on all future events. National Night Out is an annual event held in neighborhoods throughout the U.S. every August.

If you have an idea or suggestion about our next National Night Out event scheduled for August 2009 or you would like to volunteer, please contact

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