It seems like the Christmas shopping season starts earlier every year, and this year is no exception. Here we are at the end of October and the stores already have their Christmas stuff out. You are starting to see more TV commercials telling to you start shopping now to avoid the rush.
As the weeks toward the Holidays go by you will start to hear reports of people getting robbed or their cars getting broken into. You can avoid all of this by shopping online. Most of us still like to get into the Holiday spirit by going shopping and touching the merchandise, then when you spot something you get the satisfaction that you have it now!
So when shopping there are some things that you can do that will keep you safer:
- Park near the parking lot lights if you will be in the store at night
- Park as close to the store as possible
- Never leave anything of value visible in your car and make sure that you lock it
- Go back and forth to your vehicle putting your bags in the trunk, do not carry out two handfuls of bags
- When approaching your car be aware of your surroundings, if something or someone makes you feel unsafe, go back into the store and ask for help
- Approach your vehicle from the back toward the front and look in the rear seat area
- Once in your car “Lock The Door”
I think that most of this is just common sense; however, in the hustle and bustle of the Holiday season we sometimes forget the very basis of personal safety.
When talking about Holiday safety we need to mention the safety of your credit cards. I would not recommend anyone shop with a debit card. If lost or stolen the bad guys have direct access to your bank account. Credit cards are much more secure, you just have to be mindful of the money you run up on those credit cards. Remember that cash is always king.
When using your credit card try to keep it in your direct sight when giving it to the store clerk. Make sure you have it before leaving the counter. If you carry a purse carry it across your shoulder and make sure that it is closed and carry it so that the purse is in front not behind you. If you carry a wallet it should be in your front pocket.
George Uliano is a security professional with years of law enforcement and security experience. He earned a Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice and Business graduating with honors. George holds three U.S. patents on different locking principles. This combination gives George and His Company Locking Systems International Inc the unique ability to provide its customers with the correct security at an affordable price.
For additional information or to purchase Locks go to http://www.lsidepot.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8783939