Top 5 New Year’s Resolutions

Whether you pronounce it “twenty-eleven” or “two thousand eleven,” we hope the New Year greeted you with health and happiness. If you made New Year’s resolutions, check below to see how you stand in comparison to everyone else trying to set goals for 2011.

5 Most Popular New Year’s Resolutions

1. Get in Shape / Lose Weight :

You know you’d feel better, look better, and be healthier…. but this has always been a tough one to make stick. This year make a pact with some friends that you’re going to get together 3 times a week and get some exercise. Even if it’s just going for a walk, you can see great results if it’s more activity than you’re currently getting. Make sure to find an eating plan that will not only be effective, but is a plan you can live with. The most effective diet won’t give you any results if you can’t stick with it.

2. Spend More Time with Friends/Family:

Many polls show that over 50% of Americans will vow to spend more time with their family and friends. This is tough in the U.S. where the average citizen gets 13 days of paid vacation annually; compare that to 42 days in Italy or 37 days in France. Again, make an agreement with your friends and family that a specific time will be set aside to spend together. How about the park every Saturday afternoon? What about darts and laughs every other Thursday night?

3. Quit Smoking:

Sure, you’ve tried to quit a couple of time already. Did you know that among people that have successfully quit, it takes an average of 4-5 attempts? Don’t give up yet! Many communities are getting more and more aggressive about controlling where people can smoke in public. Now is a great time to finally quit, not only will you be healthier and avoid the smoking police, but you’ll save a lot of money too. The average cost of a pack of cigarettes is approximately $5.50; a pack a day is around $2,000 a year. You can take a nice vacation with $2,000.

4. Enjoy Life More / Smell the Roses:

You work hard and don’t get a lot of time off. You must ensure you’re getting the most out of your free time. Look at the ways you spend your time away from work. Are you spending a lot of time watching television or surfing the internet? That’s time that could be spent on something more fulfilling. Make a list of things you’d like to do this year and resolve to get out and do them.

5. Get Out of Debt:

Do you think baseball is the great American pastime? It may be that getting out of debt should be the national pastime. Money is certainly one of the greatest causes of stress. Finally taming the money-beast will go along way towards accomplishing many of your other goals. It’s tough to enjoy your life when you’re struggling to pay the electric bill. It’s ultimately one of the best things you can do for yourself and your family.

Wishing you much success with your personal goals!